Accounts Receivable as a Service
How it works.
Easy Integration
Our open API makes it simple to plug Apruve into your ERP or eCommerce integration, or both! We have a set of integrations that are ready to go, but work with custom integrations as well.
Guided Onboarding
Our team will walk you through the entire process. From the first sales call to your first order, we are here to make the process as easy as possible. Our Custer Success team drives the process home.
Email Campaign
We like to share in the success of the program. We kick it off with a dedicated email campaign to a list of your designated buyers. We share all the analytics once the send is complete.
Marketing Materials
Apruve hosts a custom landing page for your company. In addition, we create collateral for you to easily share with your team and customers.
Lose the wait
Eliminate the agony of A/R
Accelerate credit approvals, offload invoicing, expedite cash flow, and transcend your accounts receivables.
Apruve has allowed our customers flexible payment terms with little negative impact to our cash flow.
John Conley, Dir. of Operations